Llangedwyn School has a lot to offer Children and Parents during the day and evenings
Breakfast Club
Llangedwyn Primary School has a Breakfast Club which runs from 8.15am every morning. The children are served with nutritious food and drinks prior to school commencing at 9.00a.m.
Llangedwyn After School Kids Club
We have a very successful and well attended Kids Club at Llangedwyn Primary School. The children undertake a wide range of activities indoors and outdoors (dependent on the weather).
Kids Club runs once a week during the school term. The club commences after school at 3.15pm until 5.30pm.
For further details, please contact the school
Llangedwyn Little Hedgehogs
(for pre-school children and babies)
Llangedwyn Little Hedgehogs meet every Tuesday afternoon (in school term time) from 1.30pm - 3.00pm at Llangedwyn Primary School. We welcome all parents, grandparents and their pre-school children and babies.
It is an opportunity to chat with other parents, your children can play and we often get creative with our kids too making lots of different things which we put up on the wall. Snacks and drinks are made available for your children. Parents are given a well earned cup of tea or coffee too.
So please do come and join us, we're a very friendly bunch. For more details or questions, please contact the school.