Please find below some brief information about our School Curriculum. Please download a full prospectus.
Aims Of Our School
The Staff and Governors of Llangedwyn School intend that every pupil will have equal opportunity to develop their maximum potential. The school has agreed on the following aims :-
We aim to:
- foster a caring, stable environment where children can feel confident, happy and secure to learn successfully
- ensure that all children reach their highest possible ability in English, Welsh, maths, science and ICT.
- encourage children to express themselves creatively through language,drama, movement, art, music and dance.
- promote clear understanding of faith within the Christian religion and understanding of the key values and main beliefs of the Church in Wales.
- help children understand the world they live in through religious, moral, historical and geographical studies
- develop the children’s understanding of their cultural heritage and celebrate through the teaching of Welsh as a second language and the development of a specific curriculum with a Welsh focus
- foster respect and tolerance of all other races and ways of life
- encourage an inquiring mind, with the ability to question, evaluate and argue rationally
- support all children in becoming responsible members of the school, community and society by the development of the following values:
- To be charitable to others
- To be considerate to all living things
- To respect others and their property
The Curriculum
The curriculum for each class is organised so that every child receives the full range of educational skills, knowledge and experiencs through the successful delivery of the Curriculum for Wales which came into effect in September 2023.
To understand more about our curriculum please read our current curriculum statement:
Curriculum Statement Llangedwyn School July 2022.pdf
Children are taught by ‘stage not age’ therefore what is being taught is always appropriate for them. The principle we teach by is that young children learn most effectively when they are playing (in accordance with Welsh Assembly Government Guidance). Children learn by building on their own experiences and they use these to make sense of the world around them. The curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of all children. Children learn through experiences that build on previous learning, supports, extends and challenges all to meet their potential.
School Trips And Activities
Children enjoy visiting places and learn much from first hand experiences. We have a programme of educational visits linked to different areas of the curriculum, including both day and residential visits and visiting workshops. We are not allowed to charge directly, but will request a voluntary contribution. Children are not excluded from school activities if parents are unable to pay, but parents are requested to notify the Headteacher if problems arise, so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Our children have also benefited from visits to school by other people such as storytellers, artists, musicians and travelling theatre group.
Ethos And Values
The school’s provision for the pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development was described in the last ESTYN inspection report (July 2013) as “good.” The school adopts a Christian stance where a sense of community and caring are apparent. Relationships with school are good at all levels and pupils work well. The overall quality of behaviour and attitude displayed by the children reflects the high expectation of the staff in this area.
Discipline And Bullying
As a school, we place considerable importance on high standards of personal behaviour. Discipline is not base on a set of rules, but on an understanding of acceptable behaviour founded on care and consideration of others, thus creating a safe secure environment in school. These standards of behaviour are normally reached through encouragement. The children themselves monitor the standards of their own behaviour through the regular meetings of the School Council. Where minor problems do occur, the teacher will deal with it promptly with a reprimand or a loss of privilege, such as playtime. In certain circumstances it may be felt necessary to contact parents and request their involvement and should problems still persist, the Governors will be involved.
Bullying is not tolerated in school. Children tell teachers or parents if they are unhappy for any reason.
Strong Links With Parents
The school fosters strong links with parents who are welcome into school at any time.
The school is supported by a Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) of which all parents automatically become members. The PTFA meets regularly and not only organizes fundraising activities but also runs social functions enjoyed by children, parents and teachers. The PTFA committee carry the burden of all the activities supported by about 50% of the total parents.
The Llangedwyn Little Hedgehogs meet each Tuesday morning at 9.30a.m. at the school and is a good opportunity for the younger children to become familiar with the school.
We hold Parents Evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms. Written reports for parents will be issued near the end of the Summer Term giving parents time to respond if they wish. Parents are always welcome to visit the school. Appointments to see teachers are best made outside school hours, as clearly an impromptu visit would disrupt a class lesson.
From time to time we request parental consent for various activities and would like to draw your attention to the fact that consent can only be given by those with parental responsibility for the child i.e. the natural mother / the natural father.